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Partnership helps Harvey locals step into training

South Regional TAFE Harvey together with the Harvey Community Resource Centre (HRC) are offering a course which will help people to develop skills to gain work or further study options.

The Harvey Community Resource Centre (HCRC) has received funding through the Shire of Harvey and Lotterywest to help local people affected by COVID-19, or those who had reduced opportunities to find study or work due to COVID. The funding will enable the HCRC to cover course fees for the Harvey locals who want to complete the Certificate I in Gaining Access to Training and Employment (GATE). Other re-training and upskilling courses may be available for eligible students.

This course will commence in October, Term 4.

SR TAFE Regional Campus Manager Roche Angon said she was excited that the GATE course is being offered at the new Harvey Campus and that this pathway towards COVID-19 recovery is a community collaboration. 

“GATE is a foundation course which helps people learn or update their literacy, numeracy and computer skills,” Ms Angon said.

“It assists students to build their confidence so they can apply for work or go on to further training.”

Ms Angon said on completion of the course the students will have options to engage in higher level qualifications. 

HCRC manager Tracey-Ann Davis said the community partnership with SR TAFE Harvey would complement their Ready for Work program and provide local people with the opportunity to retrain or upskill as part of the COVID recovery process.

“The assistance we can provide will encourage Harvey people, who might be afraid to bridge the gap, to get started with further training and education or those who may not have the means to do so,” she said.

“They can use this course as a stepping stone to other opportunities.

“The course is also inclusive which meets the needs of our multicultural community.”

The HCRC will work with their community partners to promote the course throughout the community.

For more information on this course, phone the Harvey campus on 6371 3050 or email

South Regional TAFE Harvey is located at 7 James Stirling Place.


To find out about GATE courses see the course list on our website GATE