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In addition to the Information for current Students, International Students have additional obligations they must adhere too. We have collated important documents for you: 

  • International Student Code of Conduct
  • Student VISA Requirements and Obligations ...

South Regional TAFE operates within a region spanning from Bunbury in the west, Narrogin to the north, Esperance to the east and Albany to the south.

It is a vibrant workplace embracing the development and progress of its workforce and encouraging adaptability and enthusiasm.


2 August 2023

Three exceptional students from South Regional TAFE are making headlines as finalists in the prestigious Western Australian Training Awards.

Esther (Po Yan) Wong, Riely Stammers-Hozier, and Matthew Piercey have demonstrated outstanding talent and dedication in...

WA International Student of the Year 2023 finalist

Esther (Po Yan) Wong – Margaret River

Esther pursued a Diploma of Hospitality Management (Cookery) at South Regional TAFE, after studying business in Hong Kong and working in the hospitality...

WA Apprentice of the Year 2023 finalists

Riely Stammers-Hozier – Margaret River

Riely’s fascination with cars and machines ignited a passion for automotive electrical technology. Enrolling in the Certificate III program at South Regional TAFE...

Matthew Piercey – Eaton

Matthew has discovered his calling in heavy machinery and mobile plant technology. As a mature-aged apprentice, Matthew is keen to promote an apprenticeship as a pathway that anyone can begin at any time in their life.

He pursued a...

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

On 26 June 2024, Training and Workforce Development Minister Simone McGurk officially opened new state-of-the-art workshops at SR TAFE's Albany campus, replacing 50-year-old trade facilities to provide a contemporary training setting in line with industry needs.

The new facilities were...

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

The work of South Regional TAFE art students was celebrated at the recent Earth Cry art exhibition opening.  

Live music was performed by TAFE music student Josiah Barrett-Lennard at the Butter Factory Studio, where the visual art students’ work was exhibited alongside that of...

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

South Regional TAFE Harvey together with the Harvey Community Resource Centre (HRC) are offering a course which will help people to develop skills to gain work or further study options.

The Harvey Community Resource Centre (HCRC) has received funding through the Shire of Harvey and...

Kudzai Charmaine Hwata arrived in Australia from Zimbabwe 11 months ago with the goal to study community services at Bunbury TAFE campus. Once Kudzai had arrived, she was informed of the WA regional TAFE international student bursary through the campus Student Services. She says that she was...

How have you enjoyed the course so far?

I’ve recently completed my CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services and now I’m studying my CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services. I plan on continuing my studies and completing my Diploma in Community Services next year.


Have you found a part-time job?

With the help of the Jobs and Skills Centre at the TAFE, I found a job in the field I’m studying. I work casually at a local organisation where I offer support work. 

My experience at the organisation has been amazing and I have been...

Would you recommend the regional bursary to other students?

I would definitely recommend the bursary to other students because it is very helpful and it supports student’s study needs. I’ve been able to purchase essential resources that have benefited my studies. I...

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
State selection and gold medal skills from pursuit of excellence

Among the WorldSkills Team WA members announced at a gala breakfast event at the Crown Ballroom Friday November 25 2022, was South Regional TAFE student and former Pre-apprentice of the Year winner Rabia Choolun.


Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

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Online learning can be excellent if you need flexibility or enjoy working at your own pace during the week.

While online learning should be approached with the same dedication as you would if studying on campus, there are some differences from a classroom environment you should be...